2022 North Texas Walk & Roll to Cure FSHD supporting FSHD Society
FSHD Society

About 2022 North Texas Walk & Roll to Cure FSHD

The 2022 North Texas Walk & Roll to Cure FSHD

Fort Worth Zoo Picnic area
September 24, 2022

Register for free to walk and/or roll today! Invite your family, friends, club members, neighbors, co-workers, classmates or congregation to join you. Everyone who registers will be given a free participant page and access to a state-of-the-art fundraising center. From there, you can share your story on social media and via email, and invite others to join you in getting us closer to a cure!

We are working together to make a difference for those living with FSH Muscular Dystrophy!


Starts at:  September 24, 2022 11:00 AM
Ends at:  September 24, 2022 1:00 PM


Fort Worth Zoo
1989 Colonial Parkway
Forth Worth,TX 76110 USA


FSHD Society

Why Participate?

FSHD affects nearly 1 million men, women and children worldwide, leaving them with the inability to walk, raise their arms, or simply smile. The FSHD Society is the largest network of patients, families, clinicians, researchers and friends - all advocating for FSHD. YOU are the driving force that enables the FSHD Society to support & empower families and to fund groundbreaking research to find treatments and a cure!

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Your support of the FSHD Society will be put to work right away, to push forward the most promising research, help empower patients and families to live stronger, healthier lives, and press the government and major institutions to give FSH muscular dystrophy (FSHD) the funding and attention it deserves. Your support ensures that no patient need ever face this disease alone, and pushes us towards our goal of delivering treatments to our families by the year 2025!

Thank You to our Generous Sponsors!