1. Know your networks - Give friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances and co-workers an opportunity to get involved and help you reach your goal - you never know who might donate to honor a connection to FSHD or who might be inspired to join your team!
2. Aim high - Set a goal that seems just out of reach. It will inspire you and the people you're asking for support.
3. Give to yourself- You'll show people this mission matters to you and kickstart your fundraising.
4. Set up your fundraising page to tell your story - You have access to your very own web page. Once you have registered, you will automatically be prompted to set up your own page. Be sure to customize it with your story and your pictures. Tell people why FSHD matters to you!
5. Educate - You're not only raising funds, you are raising awareness about FSHD. People may have questions. Luckily, we have answers. www.fshdsociety.org
6. Share your progress - Let people know where you stand and ask them to help you reach your goal.
7. Get social and creative - Give updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or whatever platform you use to communicate with your network! Be sure to use the hashtag #FSHDWalkRoll
8. Double your impact with matching gifts - Many companies offer matching gifts for employees as well as loyal customers. Ask your donors to check if their company has a matching gift program they can utilize.
9. Start now! - There's no time like the present. Results show the sooner you start, the more you will raise. Give people the opportunity to give, and don't be afraid to ask again.
Email Fundraising How-to's
Email is a very personal approach to fundraising, and has the power to reach more of a targeted audience than social media. See our emails below for ideas.
Email #1: Recruit Teammates
Email #2: Donor Outreach
Email #3: Post Event Thank You
Social Media Fundraising How-to's
Depending on your audience, social media can be a great and very powerful way to fundraise. Whether using Facebook or Instagram, asking for support over these platforms is very easy! Below are some templates to get you inspired, but we always encourage you to customize your message to personalize your appeal! Happy Fundraising!
Template #1
On {Walk date}, I will be Walking & Rolling toward a cure for FSH Muscular Dystrophy. Please join me! #FSHDWalkRoll
Template #2
This is an important and urgent cause: there is currently no cure for this devastating disease. But we are so close! Several treatments are in development and they need our support to make it safely into the hands of families. Join me in raising awareness, funds, and hope for FSHD families everywhere! #FSHDWalkRoll
Template #3
FSHD is a progressive disease which attacks skeletal muscle. It can be painful and debilitating, and there is currently no cure for FSHD - but there is hope! The FSHD Society has committed to making sure that a treatment is available by 2025. I want to make sure that families have what they need as soon as possible - please join me to ensure that we'll be able to end this disease for good! #FSHDWalkRoll